Data protection
The transmission of data is encrypted. does not store your personal data; your payment data is processed directly through RaiseNow, a partner certified by the credit card industry (PCI DSS). Our service providers may only use the information for the performance of their duties and shall comply with Swiss Card protection regulations.
You can set off your donation against your taxable income. Donors will receive a confirmation of their donation via e-mail for the tax authorities. The donations will go to

Payment process in being initiated ..

You have cancelled the process.

We are unable to process your donation. You have cancelled the payment.

An error has occured.

An error occurred while transferring your donation data. You can contact our collaborators by phone at the number +41445868663 or by e-mail at

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Remaining time for the confirmation of your donation

We have received your donation message. You will shortly receive an SMS text message to the mobile number specified. Please confirm your donation immediately by SMS text message (to avoid misuse). Only then will you have donated to our most important projects. We will receive your donation via your mobile phone bill.

Standing order cancelled
You have successfully cancelled your standing order
Error processing your standing order
Your standing order could not be cancelled.
Error processing your standing order

Your standing order could not be found.

Cancel standing order

Click on the link below to cancel your standing order

Your current information
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Date of expiry:

These are the last 3 digits on the signature strip on the back of your card.

Note on paying by credit card
All information exchanged during credit card donations is SSL-encrypted. This data can neither be detected, intercepted nor used by third parties. Information is also not stored in our data systems.

The donation will be accepted by the organisation FairGive and then passed directly to in a safe and trustworthy manner.

Error processing your standing order

Your standing order cannot be found.

Type of payment
Choose payment method
Credit Card
Date of expiry:

These are the last 3 digits on the signature strip on the back of your card.

Note on paying by credit card
All information exchanged during credit card donations is SSL-encrypted. This data can neither be detected, intercepted nor used by third parties. Information is also not stored in our data systems.

The donation will be accepted by the organisation FairGive and then passed directly to in a safe and trustworthy manner.
Note on paying by PostFinance
Once you have completed and submitted this form, you will be redirected to PostFinance in order to complete your donation.

The donation will be accepted by the organisation FairGive and then passed directly to in a safe and trustworthy manner.

Once you have completed and submitted this form, you will be redirected to PayPal to confirm your donation.

Your personal data
Date of birth
Your address
Your data

Thank you for renewing your standing order

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